Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the Syndicated Deal Analyzer!

    • Welcome! Please Read This First ...

    • What's New With the Syndicated Deal Analyzer v2.9

    • Download the Syndicated Deal Analyzer

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    Training Videos

    • How to Analyze Deals With the Syndicated Deal Analyzer

    • Key Real Estate Concepts NOI and Cap Rate

    • Key Real Estate Concepts 2 Minute Analysis and Returns

    • Example of Key Return Metrics

    • The Difference Between Average Annual Return and Internal Rate of Return

    • Key Real Estate Concepts Debt Coverage Ratio

    • Determine Your Deal Criteria

    • 3 Steps to the 10 Minute Offer

    • The 10 Minute Offer Getting Back to the Broker

    • The 10 Minute Offer In Action

    • Side-by-Side Scenarios Column #1 Marketing Package

    • Side-by-Side Scenarios Column #2 My Version

    • Tips For Getting Back to the Broker

    • Phase 2 Analysis

    • Phase 2 Analysis Step #1

    • Phase 2 Analysis Step #2

    • Phase 2 Analysis Step #3 Sources of Information

    • Phase 2 Analysis Step #3 Economic Vacancy and Expenses

    • Phase 2 Analysis Step #3 Repairs

    • Phase 2 Analysis Step #4

    • Adding A Year 1 Scenario Column to the PNL

    • Using the Year 1 Scenario Column

    • Set the Financials for Years 2 to 5 in the PNL

    • Check Assumptions in the PNL

    • Evaluate Your Deal With The Built In Red Light / Green Light System

    • Get Paid

    • Advanced Topics Sales Assumptions

    • Advanced Topics Refinance

    • Advanced Topics Interest Only Loans

    • Advanced Topics Second Mortgage

    • Advanced Topics Loan to Cost Construction Loans

    • Advanced Topics Tour of the Returns Tab

    • Advanced Topics GP Split Worksheet

    • Note About the Raising Capital Role

    • Advanced Topics Preferred Returns

    • Advanced Topics Hidden Tabs

    • Summary

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    • Bonus #1: Key Financial Concepts Related to Commercial Real Estate Investing

    • BONUS # 2: Sample Deal Package Template

    • Bonus #3: Video Deal Analysis: Blenheim Apts Baltimore (26-Units)

    • Bonus #4: Video Deal Analysis for 36-Unit in Missouri

    • Bonus #5: Stay on track with: The Playbook To Crushing Your Goals Ebook

    • Bonus #6 # 3 Steps For Picking the Best Areas for Multifamily Deals